Lamedo Founder
Lamedo is the mind behind the overall concept CSO of , He Also worked as a project leader in biggest IT & blockchain company all over the world. Good flair to attract the biggest talent around him and manage great team.
Jordan Strategy Analyst
+10 years working in the digital industry. He is now helping startup in their development, building their tech stack and reaching their business goals. He is also making consulting for companies and startups developing their web3 project.
Nefture Blockchain Dev
Nefture is an NFT Agency specialised in smart contract development. They are based in Paris, France. Their company is incubated in Station F, the biggest startup incubator in Europe. Nefture has successfully launched multiple NFT collections including their very own, called The Nefturians. Nefture has developed the smart contracts, minting site and staking platform of The NFT Islands project.
Minecraft Dev Builders Design
Builder Designs is a professional structure of builders and developers based on Minecraft. With several years of experience in the game, they will bring to the project an exceptional quality and strengthen the team already present!
OZY Community Manager
Ozy, being experienced member in NFT space, having a pretty deep understanding on NFT and discord management.
Last updated